After you read the story it may seem obvious that my intention in this story is to convey a one-sided conversation with someone who is no longer alive, specifically my grandfather. To be completely honest I did not go in with the intentions to write a story like this. I was going to write an exciting and funny story. But when I started to write on Twine this is what came out. I believe that I drew inspiration for this text from Cha’s Dictee and in a way from The Jew’s Daughter. I drew from Dictee in the sense that I looked into my culture and my personal experience for the narrative. From the Spanish language to the background images and to the music videos I included, they all represent the island in which I and my family were born and came from, Cuba. I also drew from The Jew’s Daughter. I tried to implement the way my thought’s work.  I tried to do this by recalling a memory and writing it down then seeing what else I associated with what I had written. The way I designed this was so that one can go through each branch off of the center passage that may lead to other memories. Then they go back to one of the endings in which they hear a song that I associate with these memories. There is also a second ending with a video of another song, by the same artist, which is the song that plays in my head when I think of the word “proud” in association with my grandfather, Papo.

Made withTwine